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Five Critical Aspects in a Commercial Kitchen Design in Dubai

Anyone who is interested to start their own venture in the food and beverage industry should have the perfect knowledge about the working of a commercial kitchen. This is an important aspect which can play a pivotal role in enhancing revenue. Five essential characteristics of a commercial kitchen design in Dubai are outlined below:

1. The kitchen should be energy efficient

The utilization of the kitchen should be energy efficient. Hence it is essential to select the kitchen components which are energy optimised. Lighting should also be considered. Avoid using the light during the daytime if natural lighting is enough for cooking.

2. Optimal space should be utilized

The kitchen should be designed in such a way that the space is optimally utilized. The appliances and equipment used for various purposes in the kitchen should be well-placed and everything should appear in an orderly fashion. This makes the kitchen look organized and things can be easily found.

3. Cross-ventilation

A commercial kitchen is prone to having smoke and fumes. Hence the ventilation should be proper. This aspect cannot be ignored at all because if the extraction systems are not in place, then it can be prone to fire as well. Thus, the ventilation should be apt, and the kitchen area should be secured.

4. Easy maintenance

Choose the cabinets and related storage area wisely because these are the factors which are responsible for the maintenance of the kitchen products and ingredients used for cooking. These should be in an orderly fashion so that cleaning the kitchen can be done with agility. The commercial kitchens should be hygienic as the customers like to eat in joints which have a well-maintained kitchen.

5. Use equipment which are secure and safe

Overloading the commercial kitchen with equipment is not the key to having an organized commercial kitchen. It is essential to pile equipment which are useful and in running condition. So, check the equipment regularly so that these are in optimum condition and not susceptible to insecurities. Such factors should not be overlooked as these can even prove to be fatal for the cook.

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